Privacy and Security

Our Privacy Policy: will never share the personal information of buyers and members with third parties/institutions for any reason. Your personal information will never be given to 3rd Persons/Institutions for statistical, commercial or similar purposes.


Definition of Personal Information: Recipient or member's; means name, surname, address information, contact information, e-mail address, phone numbers, date of birth. ; To keep the personal information of members and recipients strictly confidential and private, to regard it as a confidentiality obligation and responsibility, to prevent all or any part of confidential and private information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use or disclosure to third parties/institutions in order to ensure and maintain confidentiality. It has unconditionally accepted and committed to take the necessary measures and to show the necessary care for it. However, despite the fact that takes the necessary information security and takes the necessary care, in case confidential information is damaged as a result of attacks on the site and the system, or in the hands of 3rd Persons / Institutions, will not have any liability.


Our Safety Measures: has taken and continues to take necessary measures to keep customers' card security confidential and secure at the highest level.


Access: No one except you and bank officials, including officials and employees, can access or access your Credit Card/Debit Card information.


What is SSL?: SSL stands for "Secure Socket Layer". It was developed by the Netscape company. In the simplest sense, the SSL system is the infrastructure that enables the transaction of sending your card information, which you type during shopping, in a way that is encrypted only to be deciphered by the "BANK". In this way, a 100% safe area has been created.

Necessary measures are taken within the 128-bit SSL security area, which is an international encryption and security system.

Your payment is approved according to the positive or negative response from the bank. This process is a 1-2 second process.


It is not possible for to copy the customer's card information and then re-process or access the information. The area where you key in your card information is the area between you and the bank. It is not possible to intervene and information on the site.


It is a secure process like swiping your card from a real POS device in stores. The payment system on the Internet is also done via VIRTUAL POS with the same logic. Is it Really Safe?

All the important information you have given before and after the order is 100% secure. has SSL certificate and in order to use the system, it has passed all examinations within the framework of application to the certificate prepared by Globalsign company in line with the European Union directives and directives and received the SSL Certificate. It has the required Globalsign licenses.